21 October 2010

Psychological Impact of Television and Computer Time on Children

It is often the case that children of this generation spend most of their time in front of television or computer. Children as young as even one year have a general inclination these days to spend most of their time in front of these electronic instruments. A study conducted by the University of Bristol on the psychological impact of computer and television time on children revealed the following facts.
  • Children who spend more than two hours a day at a computer or watching television are more likely than others to have psychological problems, regardless of how much physical exercise they got
  • 60% higher risk of psychological problems for children who spend more viewing time than children who clocked up fewer viewing hours
  • Healthy children might be at greater risk of developing psychological problems if they increased their viewing time
  • Though there is no evidence that sitting in front of a screen actually causes mental health problems
  • Those who watched most TV as toddlers performed worse at school and consumed more junk food
  • Limiting how long children spend in front of a screen to no more than two hours a day is advisable
Australia and the US have adopted guidelines that advise parents to restrict the viewing time of children under two to no more than two hours a day. Find a detailed account at the following URL.

Let our children spend more time interacting with people around them, let them play in their surroundings, let them speak to the birds and flowers, let them enjoy their time with colours and music, let them listen to stories, let them read, let them observe, let them discover, let them dream, let them learn the lessons of creative thinking and let them imbibe the spirit of humanity and humaneness. Let our kids – all smart boys and cute girls – grow up as intelligent, compassionate and conscientious gentlemen and ladies.

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