25 June 2010

26 June - United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

Torture is one of the most appalling human rights abuses and it takes a terrible toll on the victims and their families. Torturers commonly use various inhuman methods like electric shocks, burns, suffocation in water, rape, sleep deprivation, blows to the sole of the feet and beating to breakdown an individual’s will power and personality. The psychological and emotional scars that such physical torture leaves behind are equally devastating for the victims and survivors of torture. Many survivors of torture suffer from recurring nightmares and flashbacks and they often withdraw from their families, schools and work and have a feel of loss of trust.

Every year United Nations observes 26 June as the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture to pay respects to those who have endured the unimaginable horrors of torture. It was on the same day in the year 1987 that the UN Convention against Torture came into force that aims at preventing torture in all its manifestations and to promote and encourage respect for human rights.

Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims that "no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment". Yet some governments have covertly authorised torture as was evident from what we have seen happening in the US prisons of Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. It is not only the United States but there are many other governments that use torture to stifle dissent and to obtain evidences in criminal proceedings. It must be noted that the UN Convention against Torture explicitly notes that neither higher orders nor exceptional circumstances can justify torture.

Three decades back there were no treatment centres or services to treat victims of torture. But now situation has changed and there is a whole body of knowledge in the treatment of the victims of torture and many treatment centres around the world. Over 100 programmes for treating the victims of the torture in around 50 countries receive funding from the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture.

On this day we need to urge all Governments to ratify the UN Convention against Torture and to ensure that torture is a crime in their domestic laws and to meticulously pursue torturers and bring them to justice. It is the responsibility of all members of the civil society to take every possible action to defeat torture and torturers everywhere.

Courtesy: Official website of the United Nations (The image is the artwork by Octavio Roth)

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